Mostly from around the Chilterns but we go where the opportunities are

The Hedgehog Project Summer 2024
At the start of June, we heard a bustle in the hedgerow around dusk and out wandered a hedgehog. We were very excited to have proper wildlife in the garden. Over subsequent days and weeks, we've provided food and water and set up a camera trap to photograph them. It's been a challenge trying to come up with a different "stage set" every night but it keeps things interesting. Hoping for hoglets before the summer is out. Will update the page so you can see how we go. If you're wondering about the specialist kit used, that's a Camtraptions motion sensor paired with my oldest camera, a flash released in 1997 and a willingness to spend the time sorting through a lot of dross every night.
Easter in Mid Wales March 2024
We made the most of the long weekend to find so new sites in mid-Wales and revisit a few old favourites
Northern Ireland New Year December 2023
Our first visit to Northern Ireland, focusing mainly on the north coast, and we were blown away by the scenery.
Snettisham Spectacular August 2023
A few days in Norfolk to watch the "waderations" at RSPB Snettisham. These are driven by a combination of high tides and the arrival of migrant visitors.
Cheltenham Butterfly Safari July 2023
A windy couple of days in July were not ideal conditions for the flight of tiny critters. We'll be back next year.
Kites and Castles Wales and West May 2023
We took a trip to Gigrin Farm in Mid-Wales for the red kite feeding sessions for a couple of days. Visited a castle and made the most of the dark skies in Elan Valley while we were there.
Otter, Kingfisher and Heron Hide March 2023
A 24 hour stint in a hide on the Leicestershire/Rutland borders
UK General 2023
A random selection of our favourite shots from being out and about around the UK or even at home during 2023.
Peak District Summer 2022
Let's go somewhere in the UK for a few days for a cheap landscape break - one smashed camera and lens resulted but we still got a few snaps.
UK Spring Summer 2022
Spring and summer shots from the Chilterns and Worcestershire. Though how I wish the kingfisher was in our own pond
Otter, Kingfisher and Heron Hide May 2021
A long 24 hours in a Leicestershire hide in all weathers to see both nocturnal and diurnal wildlife
Dartmoor and Ham Wall May 2021
Staying near Chudleigh on the edge of the moors, looking for a break in the weather to venture out with cameras
UK General 2021
Mainly from Skomer, the Pembrokeshire seasonal home of puffins
Wales September 2020
A week in Pembrokeshire, exploring the beautiful Welsh peninsula with stops at Brecon Beacons on the way there and Rhayader on the way home.
Norfolk Summer 2020
A couple of long weekends spent in north Norfolk, venturing all round the north coast with a lot of time dedicated to the waders at Snettisham.
UK General 2020
Remember lockdowns? Weren't they fun? At least the weather was glorious which helped attract wildlife to the garden. The keen eyed will spot Exmouth beach, comet Neowise over Glastonbury Tor and some Chiltern landscapes as well.
UK General 2018
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